Sitting outside for only 20 minutes and almost getting burned makes me yearn for Spring again. It also makes my now shorter sunbathing reading time all the more precious. I tend to use this time now as my "quick study" time - opting for business, new tech or current trend titles. That way I'm inspired rather than disappointed when my short little 20 minute break is over... just slip in a bookmark and leave it on the porch 'til next time.
I've found a couple of really interesting books that I'll recommend to any individual, who like me, has little time to spare and a desire to grow and learn in every precious waking minute.
Take for instance, the following (
- it's not available until August but I got my hands on a copy and have really enjoyed reading it. I honestly don't know of a business person who would not benefit from the stories it contains. It's available to pre-order (or find out more about it's contents) now through the link above.
Then there's
( , which came out a couple of months ago.
I've heard some really neat stories from friends about their experiences so I wanted to know a bit more.
This "new" type of treasure hunting has actually been going on for about a decade and invloves the use of GPS. Here's a cool book that tells you everything you need to know on how to get started - or how to become an expert at it if you're already out there hunting!
*And even better, this book is available as an ebook - just use the link above and select Google ebook.
It's easy.
(I mean, how cool is it that you can read this book and use the gps nav on the same device, WHILE treasure hunting on the beach, in the woods or a canyon??
A great example of using new tech and beginning a fun family tradition at the same time.)